November 18 & 19

Hours 10am – 3pm


Location: Rene’s Studio / NW Portland

Strengthen your paintings with simple color theory, using value (dark vs. light) and intensity (bright vs. dull) to create mood. Learn to mix watercolor paint with confidence to create pure luminous color. Study Pigment qualities — opacity, transparency, staining, granulating — to familiarize yourself with how and why they react. Master colorful blacks and expressive neutral tones that give you rich grays, not mud. Explore creative color palettes to increase color harmony in your work.

Practice and Play combine in this lively color workshop. All levels of experience welcome.

Limited participation — sign up now!
download Supply sheet with registration


Day 1

Gain a better grasp of color and how to use it to your advantage. Understanding how color works frees us to focus on other aspects of our art. Exercises and demonstrations will help us integrate this.

— Learn the language of color
— Get to know your color families
— Mix and use paint color triads
— Understanding value and intensity – the key to using color
— Create beautiful grays and blacks
— Play with color strategies

Day 2

Use your broader understanding of color to alter how you work. We will approach this with several group exercises followed by one-on one discussions with Rene on where you want to take your art next.

— Use color to unify
— Free yourself with a limited palette
— Paint light & shadow
— Paint a white subject
— Push color into the expressive using creative color