Much has happened this summer that I’m still hoping to catch you up on.
mostly TEACHING…
Self Portraits at Hood River — with the Creative Arts Community at Menucha — Marbling at OSA
But this post is on AWARDS. When they rain, they pour!
FIRST I was awarded third place for “Marbled Crane” by juror Diane Kruger
at the Painter’s Showcase art show last month.
The painting is on an 8×10 cradled panel,
and went from plain to pizzaz with a coat of marbling,
applied in a demo at Menucha.
AND the members of Painters Showcase voted on their favorite painting, and chose
“Treading Lightly Among Old Souls” for the Florence Thurman award — an awesome honor!
This one is a full sheet, combining photos taken in Italy.
The portrait is of my friend Sharon Rackham King.
THEN last weekend WSO juror Linda Daly Baker gave my painting “Brownlee Moment”
an award of excellence, meaning it will go with the
traveling show around the state!
It is a beautiful show, and if you were there to meet Linda you know how
gracious she was with her critiquing and so giving of her expertise.
This painting is of my husband, Tom, caught in the magic hour
as we hiked above the reservoir
along the Idaho/Oregon border. It’s a half sheet.
YESTERDAY I learned I took second place at the Village Gallery for “Tranquility”,
which also won people’s choice at last Spring’s WSO Show
(one of the very best honors in my book). Full sheet.
Now if I can find time to update the images onto my website gallery! And even more important — find time to paint.
Oh, and if you haven’t already, check out the Oregon Botanical Artist website,
mastered brilliantly by our own Janet Parker.
You’ll see postings of our paintings from the David Douglas show at the Bush Art Barn
through October 17.
It will travel to the Washington County Museum in Hillsboro in November!