10 Blue Tile

Azulejos, or glazed blue ceramic tiles, are everywhere in Portugal.
They cover the surfaces of train stations, restaurants, bars, public murals, fountains, churches, and altar fronts. Traditional tile art tells the stories of Portugal’s proud seafaring history by depicting navigators and the famous ships called the caravel. This art form also highlights major historical places and cultural events.

9 The Sea

While our classroom is located 40 minutes inland, you can never get far from the sea in Portugal. Continental Portugal boasts 586 miles of coastline, including this iconic beach at Sintra, just a stone’s throw from Lisbon.

8 Mary Lee & Linda Blue

Mary Lee Damutz (pictured far right, at the Tile Museum in Lisbon) will join us to paint and also help with logistics. Mary Lee has lived most of her life in Italy.

Linda (pictured here as a mermaid) is a west coast native and mostly self- taught artist who moved to Portugal and bought a big house with a studio/ classroom on the ground floor.

7 Rich History

Portugal’s territory has been fought over, invaded and settled since prehistoric times. It was the first Western nation to establish a global empire. The monarchy ended after the 1910 revolution, leaving castles such as as this “hunting lodge” in the Bussaço Forest to become a hotel and restaurant.

6 Delicious Food

Portuguese people are fiercely proud of their food which includes succulent shellfish, fresh cheeses, olive oil, custard tart with fig jam and broa which is Portuguese corn bread, traditionally cooked in a wood oven. And of course, the food is often paired with local wine.

5 Daily Drawing

Drawing is something I LOVE to do, but have neglected at times. No more! And I’m taking you with me. Habits are made simply by doing the same thing repetitively, and that is what you’ll experience in Portugal, both in the classroom and out exploring. Draw quick and fresh or draw slowly and meticulously — it’s all good, just DRAW!

4 Exchange Rate

NOW is the time to travel to Europe because your money will have more buying power. For the first time in 20 years, the dollar and the euro are worth about the same.

3 Community + Friends

This group photo from my very first workshop to Italy serves as a testamony to the life-long friendships that often form on these painting trips.

2 The Lessons

I’m developing a lesson plan for you to print in advance that will include much of what we’ll see and do. It will focus on art concepts that pair with our subjects and will include materials and techniques that may be new to you.

1 Because You Can!

Traveling will never get easier than it is now, and we can’t say what the future will bring. Don’t wait!