Inspired by Trilliums

It doesn’t take a long walk into the woods to find inspiration — especially in Spring with the Trillium blooming — hundreds of them! And each one unique.

I’ve been grabbing my camera to record favorites — close-up, and from every angle — in sunlight, in the rain.

Then took some inside where I could create dramatic lighting…

I found one so sweet, with it’s leaves curling up instead of laying flat….

…and HAD to make a sketch right there in the forest, so I grabbed my pencil and found a log, almost dry, to perch on. Naturally, it started to rain again before finishing, but I kept on drawing.

Here’s the sketch… in a Pentalic Aqua Journal made for watercolor (another local product) — though not realizing, this was drawn on the coversheet instead of the watercolor paper underneath!

Back inside, I drew another on 12 x 12 inch watercolor paper that I will attach to a cradled panel, using this sketch as reference. The fun part will be using expressive color when I paint…

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