My painting “Pondering” took the top prize in the Western Federation Watercolor Society show in Lubbock Texas!
It is an incredible honor and I am still walking on air!!!
The exhibition runs April 16 through July 15


This full sheet piece is all about the dramatic lighting and keeping it loose!

Winning a top art award is a little like playing the lottery. After looking at the other entries for Western Fed, I am humbled!  β€” You can see the other paintings entered HERE.

The show was juried by artist Linda Daly Baker.
And I am so pleased that among all those paintings, Linda chose to rank my painting first!
I had the pleasure of meeting Linda at the WSO convention last fall and she is one of the warmest, most generous jurors we have ever had. I could be biased because she gave me an award there, too. But I heard so many similar comments from others that I think not.

Check out her work  HERE β€” it’s phenominal!

The thing is, I knew my entry was a strong one and that it had a shot at glory. But I’ve been disappointed before. A lot! And another juror may have given the prize to someone else β€” maybe you!

Here is what I know… 

Like the lottery, you have to enter to win. My odds are better with art πŸ™‚

This does cushion the blow of not getting a painting in the NWWS (Northwest Watercolor Society) show. And just so you know, I entered Western Fed several times before I even got a piece in. Ditto with WSO!

It totally pleases me that I can compete at this level! But no point in resting on my laurels… the immediate effect this has on me is it makes me want to paint. I want to top that one! And I know I will have to if I want to experience more of this.

If there is any one thing that helps me succeed in this arena it is that I love to learn!
I believe in my ability, but just being good is not enough. I am among incredible talent. So the only way to succeed is to keep pushing the envelope. It also helps to be relentless in my pursuit! Though I don’t paint every day, I work constantly β€” to the extent I have abandoned my closest friends β€” just ask them πŸ™ they’ll agree!

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