COMMENTS on the ITALY workshop


This has been a fabulous, life changing two weeks in Tuscany — Great instruction, ideas, companions, food, activities, accommodations & setting. I could never have imagined anything more satisfying. You are one incredible lady. Your smile makes it all good!

Congratulations on your 1st travel workshop! It has been fabulous & I’m sure will blaze the trail for many more. Thank you so much for your kind, thoughtful and skillful instruction. I am so lucky to know you!

Thank you for a wonderful and unique experience. Every day was filled with special people and moments. It has been a fantastic trip in every way because of the hard work and planning you did. Thank you.

All of the careful, detailed preparation made for a stellar experience. This trip is beyond compare and I’m ever grateful for your invitation. You’ve been of constant service to us, always with a laugh and an encouraging word. Grazie mille, amore!

I’m so delighted you called me and invited me to join this lovely band of ladies. This adventure has been just remarkable — so much fun, so many chances to learn new things.

You are simply and truly a lovely individual AND a wonderful teacher. I feel so fortunate to have been on the “maiden voyage” of your classes abroad, and I hope to be part of this again. Thank you so much for your patience and encouragement!

This workshop in Italy has been
delightful.  Thank you for your helpful demonstrations, thoughtful
feedback and careful planning of our wonderful excursions.  My
experiences with you and the group have been life changing.

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