Painting Rhodies at Chrystal Springs

Last Friday we began the
“Paint In The Garden” series,
at scenic Chrystal Springs
Rhododendron Garden.
Seven intrepid artists joined me
in painting.

I first did a demo, painting a rhody
in my journal (right), followed with
everyone painting their favorite

Below are images of work in progress:

Heidi’s painting

 We were in the covered area, which turned out to be a good thing, as it
rained hard at times. Some very lovely work happened in spite of the weather! And the resident critters kept us entertained.

I sketched out another painting on crescent
watercolor board that is still in progress. Below is my work station. I used a lightweight wood easel.

This week Friday June 15: Hoyt Arboretum and painting needles & cones! It’s supposed to be in the mid 70s…

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