The covered area overlooking the garden was a lovely place to gather on a slightly damp day. I brought several roses from home. The cherry parfait roses with their frilly red edges on creamy white petals and are fun to paint. Notice how everyone’s unique style shows through in their work.

Jane is deep in concentration as her painting blossoms.

Nancy’s sketch is carefully composed and I look forward to seeing it with color added!

        Here’s Joyce with her lovely work.

Heidi with 2 roses together — each one a star.
Diane with a luscious rose — love how the color melts across the page! Kudos for painting wet.

Marcia’s rose pairs with a tight bud.

                 Niya’s rose exudes personality


in progress

And this is my demo piece for the day…

Last Friday we painted needles & cones. It was a perfect day — so sunny we were happy to have some shade.

Here are a couple of studies I worked on…

A pine cone…

Some from the archives…

Tomorrow we’re off to the Peninsula Park Rose Garden to paint (of course) roses! It’s supposed to rain… but at least no downpour expected, and there is a large covered area. I’ll bring cuttings from home. The cooler weather should help to preserve them.


Last Friday we began the
“Paint In The Garden” series,
at scenic Chrystal Springs
Rhododendron Garden.
Seven intrepid artists joined me
in painting.

I first did a demo, painting a rhody
in my journal (right), followed with
everyone painting their favorite

Below are images of work in progress:

Heidi’s painting

 We were in the covered area, which turned out to be a good thing, as it
rained hard at times. Some very lovely work happened in spite of the weather! And the resident critters kept us entertained.

I sketched out another painting on crescent
watercolor board that is still in progress. Below is my work station. I used a lightweight wood easel.

This week Friday June 15: Hoyt Arboretum and painting needles & cones! It’s supposed to be in the mid 70s…

Treasures: on Black Stone
In the collection of Sanda Smith

on an island with my husband,
both sons and their girlfriends last
I found myself unable to take my eyes
off the ground. It was
littered with every shape
and color of stone and shell you might imagine

and then some!

Upon arrival I sat in one place and picked up
about 50
shells without moving. It was hard
to take more than a couple of steps
anywhere on the island without reaching down
to pick up a pebble.

there, I photographed some of the stones,
and couldn’t resist bringing a
few home.
A couple of the photos became reference
for these paintings,
which I’ve just brought back
from OSA’s Marine show.

These are painted on watercolor paper,
mounted on American Easel’s
Extra Deep panels, at 2 1/2 inches.

Treasures: Vein of Gold