Entries by Rene Eisenbart


Here’s my holiday greeting to you for 2012…       This is a new version of a painting I’ve been working on, blossoms from the magnolia tree off my deck. I started painting this at the Wild Arts Festival. It follows the colorful white flower theme, based on my belief that if you get the values […]

Marbling Magic

Marbling is not so predictable. Full disclosure: it’s time consuming, messy and results vary. Preparing the paint is a challenge. But once you’ve mastered paint mixing, basic concepts are easy to learn. Some degree of control is gained through experience. Possibilities are endless… and how exciting to see the transformation! I originally learned to marble […]

Insects & Creatures Oh My!

9 of my paintings (below) are available for sale at Paxton Gate,  just in time for Halloween.  They are smallish and with classic black frames. Paxton Gate is a very cool place,  if you have not yet been introduced.  It contains all things weird and beautiful, from nature —  bones to butterflies.  The Portland store […]

White Flowers

Last Sunday I was at the OSA booth at “Art in The Pearl”,  doing a demo on white flowers.  There was a time when I avoided painting white flowers, especially with white backgrounds…  it was difficult to give them interest and definition.  But that was because I thought shadows should be gray. Then I discovered […]

August Botanical Workshop

I’m delighted to say the 3-day botanical workshop at Oregon Society of Artists went very well.  Here’s a painting in progress, 10 x 10 inches, started during the workshop. Preparing for a workshop gives me an opportunity to try things I’ve been wanting to try! This time it meant acquiring a bunch of lilies to […]

Painting at Peninsular Park Rose Garden

The covered area overlooking the garden was a lovely place to gather on a slightly damp day. I brought several roses from home. The cherry parfait roses with their frilly red edges on creamy white petals and are fun to paint. Notice how everyone’s unique style shows through in their work. Jane is deep in […]

Painting at Hoyt Arboretum

Last Friday we painted needles & cones. It was a perfect day — so sunny we were happy to have some shade. Here are a couple of studies I worked on… A pine cone… Some from the archives… Tomorrow we’re off to the Peninsula Park Rose Garden to paint (of course) roses! It’s supposed to […]

Painting Rhodies at Chrystal Springs

Last Friday we began the “Paint In The Garden” series, at scenic Chrystal Springs Rhododendron Garden. Seven intrepid artists joined me in painting. I first did a demo, painting a rhody in my journal (right), followed with everyone painting their favorite blossoms. Below are images of work in progress: Heidi’s painting  We were in the […]

Inspiration Underfoot

Treasures: on Black Stone In the collection of Sanda Smith Camping on an island with my husband, both sons and their girlfriends last September, I found myself unable to take my eyes off the ground. It was littered with every shape and color of stone and shell you might imagine — and then some! Upon […]